Amazing Tips for a fun life - relax a lil, experiment!

Found this here
1. Remove a broken key from a lock. Put some super glue on broken off part, insert, hold a few seconds and pull.
2. Remove a broken light bulb. Stick a bar of soap into jagged edges, use soap as handle.
3. Remove a stubborn screw. Heat with a soldering iron for a few seconds first.
4. Protect children from sockets. Keep a piece of electrical tape over them when not in use.
5. Good glass door safety tip. Put a BIG decal on the glass and patio doors.
6. Keep nails from splitting wood. Blunt sharp end of nail before you use by hitting with hammer.
7. Repair small holes in screen. Plug holes with clear nail polish, let dry, repeat until filled.
8. Straighten warped phono records. Place record between two sheets of glass, let sit in sun for a while.
9. Best way to clean phono records. Dip in solution of detergent and water, rinse and wipe dry.
10. Make your own fireplace logs. Roll newspapers up tightly in shape of logs.
11. How to remove oil from a driveway. Cover with sand let stand for a few days, then sweep off.
12. Keep fish hooks from rusting. Stick them in a cork and submerge in some baking soda.
13. Make sandpaper last longer. Back sandpaper with masking tape.
14. How to revive old razor blades. Rub them back and forth inside a drinking glass.
15. Remove road tar from cars. Sodium bicarbonate on a damp cloth.
16. Remove labels from bottles and jars.  ???
17. Cut glass without a glass cutter. Use tin snips and cut under water, smooth rough edges off with knife blade.
18. Easy to unglue stamps and envelopes. Put in freezer for a few hours then flip off with knife blade.
19. Get water out of your watch. Strap watch to light bulb, turn on for a few minutes. Water drops will form on glass. Open up and wipe off.
20. Prevent snow sticking to shovel. Coat shovel with car wax.

And there is a lot more in the link